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Knowledge Transfer at the End of the Change Programme

"The knowledge transfer process at the end of change implementation can ensure key learning is transferred from a few experts to many, mistakes are not repeated, and future change will be more successful"

One of the greatest challenges at this stage of the change programme is to ensure that the experiences generated are shared with the rest of the organisation and not lost when the change team dissolves. Knowledge transfer is a practical method of ensuring that key information is captured and stored for the future. Materials, reports, assessments, and other documents from the programme should be organised and stored in a central location. This knowledge should be maintained and shared to make the organisation more efficient and effective, especially in the future when the next change comes along. Tacit and explicit knowledge if circulated widely within the organisation can be source of competitive advantage, so why would you not transfer this knowledge within the organisation so it can be utilised?

change management knowledge transfer process, change management global thought leader, Change Management Body of Knowledge, Leadership of Change Volume 3, Peter F Gallagher, change management Books, Change Management Leading Authority, Change Management Trusted Adviser, Change Management speakers, Change Management Thought Leaders, Change Management speakers, Change Management Influencer, Change Keynote speakers,

The information should be captured throughout the programme life cycle with the final structuring taking place at the end of the programme to incorporate lessons learned and final reports. The knowledge transfer process is to harvest the knowledge, define the knowledge type, develop the knowledge, provide access and the future management of the information or data.

The objective is to ensure the next change team member, either new or continuing, knows exactly how the previous team made their decisions, or at the very least, is able to identify someone who was centrally involved. It is always a challenge to transfer knowledge from the few experts to the organisation as a whole, and as the programme draws to a close this task becomes even more difficult.

“Closing the change programme should be done with governance oversight ensuring transfer of ownership is a controlled process, lessons learned are recorded and knowledge transfer captures key information which is stored for the future”

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Peter consults, speaks, and writes on the Leadership of Change®.

For further reading please visit our websites:

Change Management Body of Knowledge (CMBoK), Leadership of Change® Body of Knowledge, Peter F Gallagher, Change Management Books, Leadership of Change Volumes 1 2 3 A B C 4 5 6 7, Change Management Fables, Change Management Pocket Guide, Change Management Handbook, Change Management Gamification, Change Management Adoption, Change Management Behaviour, Change Management Leadership, Change Management Sponsorship,

Peter F Gallagher is a Change Management Global Thought Leader, Guru, Expert, International Speaker, Author and Leadership Alignment Coach.

Listed #1 by leadersHum Top 40 Change Management Gurus You Should Follow in 2022 (Mar 2022).

Ranked #1 Change Management Global Thought Leader: Top 50 Global Thought Leaders and Influencers on Change Management (2022-2021-2020) by Thinkers360.

Ranked #2 Business Strategy Global Thought Leader: Top 50 Global Thought Leaders and Influencers on Change Management (Dec 2020) by Thinkers360.

Ranked #2 Leadership Global Thought Leader: Top 50 Global Thought Leaders and Influencers on Leadership (Aug 2020) by Thinkers360.

Business Book Ranking

Change Management Behaviour - Leadership of Change® Volume 6, listed among the 50 Books from Thinkers360 Thought Leaders to read in 2022.

Change Management Adoption - Leadership of Change® Volume 5, listed among year-to-date’s (Jul 2021) most popular books on business and technology from Thinkers360 member thought leaders.

Change Management Handbook - Leadership of Change® Volume 3, listed among the 50 Business and Technology Books from Thinkers360 Thought Leaders to read in 2021.

Change Management Pocket Guide - Leadership of Change® Volume 2, ranked within the top 50 Business and Technology Books (Jan 2020) from Thinkers360 Thought Leaders.



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