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Friday’s Change Reflection Quote - Leadership of Change® - Change Leaders Oppose Unethical Practices

Updated: Jun 14

1893, Gandhi’s first act of civil disobedience on a South African train.

Change leaders stand against unethical practices, taking principled action, using truth-force, embracing sacrifice to disrupt the status quo, never giving up”

👏 Happy Friday!

On this day, June 7, 1893, Mohandas K. Gandhi, told us, “The future depends on what we do in the present.” Effective change leaders must embody the change they wish to see, which entails taking a personal stand against injustice or wrongdoing. Sustainable change necessitates a higher purpose beyond self-interest, involving the active opposition to unfair or unethical practices. Furthermore, leaders of change must take calculated, principled action to gain legitimacy and maintain discipline. They utilise truth-force and moral authority to implement change and drive continuous improvement, inspiring others through their unwavering commitment to ethical principles and the pursuit of a just and equitable future. Change leadership demands the sacrifice of personal comfort, safety, and privilege as leaders bravely risk all for a noble cause, sometimes greater than themselves. They disrupt the status quo by becoming catalysts for improvement and sustainable change, creating a dedicated movement as they proceed. Leaders of change never give up because the road to meaningful change is long and arduous, requiring unflagging commitment and resilience in the face of opposition, setbacks, and failures along the way. Change Leaders Oppose Unethical Practices.

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Mohandas K. Gandhi, told us, “The future depends on what we do in the present.” Effective change leaders must embody the change they wish to see, which entails taking a personal stand against injustice or wrongdoing. Sustainable change necessitates a higher purpose beyond self-interest, involving the active opposition to unfair or unethical practices. Furthermore, leaders of change must take calculated, principled action to gain legitimacy and maintain discipline. They utilise truth-force and moral authority to implement change and drive continuous improvement, inspiring others through their unwavering commitment to ethical principles and the pursuit of a just and equitable future. Change leadership demands the sacrifice of personal comfort, safety, and privilege as leaders bravely risk all for a noble cause, sometimes greater than themselves. They disrupt the status quo by becoming catalysts for improvement and sustainable change, creating a dedicated movement as they proceed. Leaders of change never give up because the road to meaningful change is long and arduous, requiring unflagging commitment and resilience in the face of opposition, setbacks, and failures along the way. Change Leaders Oppose Unethical Practices.

“Change leaders stand against unethical practices, taking principled action, using truth-force, embracing sacrifice to disrupt the status quo, never giving up”

👉 Unveiling Ethical Imperatives Amidst the Charade. The Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry and the Boeing 737 MAX investigation have exposed the grave consequences of a collective failure of organisations and leaders to uphold ethical principles, embrace truth-force, challenge the status quo, and embody purpose and passion in their work.

As leaders of change, we have a moral obligation to take principled action against unethical practices and negative leadership behaviour, thereby dismantling the change management charade. Turning a blind eye or remaining complicit enables toxic cultures to fester, ultimately causing immense harm. True transformation requires the courage to confront injustice head-on, even in the face of adversity. Additionally, a disregard for honesty and integrity undermines the very foundations of change efforts. Professionals must embrace “truth-force,” which is an unwavering commitment to transparency, accountability, and speaking truth to power. Deception, or obfuscation, inevitably breeds distrust and undermines the credibility of any change initiative. Meaningful change often necessitates a willingness to disrupt the status quo, challenge existing systems, and make sacrifices. Complacency and a fear of rocking the boat perpetuate harmful practices and stifle progress. Professionals must have the resolve to take calculated risks and implement transformative solutions, even in the face of resistance.

Lastly, a clear sense of purpose and passion are paramount. Without an internal compass and unwavering determination, change efforts become hollow exercises devoid of the conviction needed to navigate complex organisational challenges. Leaders of change must be driven by a deep-seated commitment to their craft and a genuine desire for positive transformation. These scandals serve as stark reminders of the grave consequences that can arise when we all fail to uphold these essential principles of ethical conduct, truth-force, purposeful disruption, and passionate dedication to our work.


Final Thoughts:

Does your organisation uphold ethical conduct, embrace truth, disrupt the status quo for positive change, and inspire passionate commitment - the hallmarks of true visionary change leadership?

Have a fantastic holiday weekend with the ones you love and care for, enjoy some fresh air, exercise, eat, drink and be happy.


Peter consults, speaks, and writes on the Leadership of Change®.

For further information please visit our websites:

Peter F Gallagher, change management body of knowledge (CMBoK), Leadership of change, change management books, change management volumes, change management, change management models, change management gurus, change management experts, change management global thought leaders, change management influencers, change management books, change management Leadership, change management keynote speakers,

Peter F Gallagher is a Change Management Global Thought Leader, Guru, Expert, International Speaker, Author and Leadership Alignment Coach.

Listed #1 by leadersHum Top 40 Change Management Gurus You Should Follow in 2022 (Mar 2022).

Ranked #1 Change Management Global Thought Leader: Top 50 Global Thought Leaders and Influencers on Change Management (2023-2022-2021-2020) by Thinkers360.

Listed #15 in the “Top 30” for Global Gurus Leadership (2024) by Global Gurus.

Ranked #1 Business Strategy Global Thought Leader: Top 50 Global Thought Leaders and Influencers on Business Strategy (2022) by Thinkers360.

Ranked #6 Leadership Global Thought Leader: Top 50 Global Thought Leaders and Influencers on Leadership (April 2024) by Thinkers360.

Business Book Ranking

Change Management Behaviour - Leadership of Change® Volume 6, listed among the 50 Books from Thinkers360 Thought Leaders to read in 2022.

Change Management Adoption - Leadership of Change® Volume 5, listed among year-to-date’s (Jul 2021) most popular books on business and technology from Thinkers360 member thought leaders.

Change Management Handbook - Leadership of Change® Volume 3, listed among the 50 Business and Technology Books from Thinkers360 Thought Leaders to read in 2021.

Change Management Pocket Guide - Leadership of Change® Volume 2, ranked within the top 50 Business and Technology Books (Jan 2020) from Thinkers360 Thought Leaders.



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